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Le Lande di Erisvalle - Windows Package *
Contains Le Lande di Erisvalle.exe
Zip package for MS Windows (just unzip and run - also works with wine
Windows Application (Windows 7 and later)
Le Lande di Erisvalle - Glulx *
Contains erisvalle.gblorb
Full version (with graphic sidebar)
Requires a Glulx interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
* Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.

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Le Lande di Erisvalle

by Paolo Lucchesi profile

Inform 6

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About the Story

L'esplorazione delle lontane e misteriose Lande di Erisvalle, alla ricerca delle sette reliquie dell'antico regno, e delle sette rune di potere.


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