A short piece of dynamic fiction about trying some ecological fresh-from-the-comb honey for the first time. There is a little bit of interactivity, but the main draw is in the perfectly gauged prose (I was particularly impressed by the author's way of describing flavours, something I always find difficult to put into words), and the glimpses of the PC's surroundings and backstory.
The hyperlinked words often have little connection with what comes next. Moving to a new page shows the previous paragraphs with the new paragraph added: not my favourite format, but that is a taste thing, and it prevents you from losing track of the narrative. While I'm on the subject of technical details, the use of yellow text for some words is a bit of a pain, since it's almost necessary to highlight it. However, it's rare enough not to be a big issue.
Fine slice of life with an elegiac edge. Read if you want to savour some exact prose, or enjoy honey.