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Lost in Time

by Laurence Creighton

Time Travel
The Quill
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About the Story

It is the year 2193 and, in the dusty laboratory that has been his home for longer than he can care to remember, a young scientist perfects the machine that will enable him to achieve his goal. Many years of endeavour and hard toil have finally reaped their reward and the "Sonic Mobilizer" has been perfected. With it he will be able to travel back and forward to the time-zones of his choice. With it, he will be free to see history made and to view the people who took part in the events that made the Earth what it is.

After the painstaking task of building the "Sonic Mobilizer" all that is left is for the young scientist to write a thesis on his work before setting out on the first exploratory journey through "time" and "space".

To his great delight the device proves to be successful and the scientist finds himself in the year 1993 ... but true to the times that he has entered, he is "mugged" on his arrival and the device known as the "Sonic Mobilizer" is Stolen. Without it he is totally unable to return to his own time and as of yet, technology is not far enough advanced to enable him to construct a second device. The only method of escape is to recover the stolen device!


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