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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
GANGSTA, July 22, 2024

Zork 1 is straight up GANGSTA, yo! If you can beat this game without hints then you are, without a doubt, one of the smartest people.

Back in 1984 when my folks bought me my first home computer (IBM PCjr) I was 15. Zork was the second PC game that I bought for the new computer. The first was Sir-Tech's <==== W I Z A R D R Y ! ===[--o ... an early computer RPG modeled after Dungeons & Dragons. I was very into D&D and so naturally I wanted to experience adventure on my computer.

Zork is kind of like D&D, in a way. You use a sword to fight monsters. You collect treasure. There are lots of traps and puzzles. Kind of like D&D modules were at the time.

And then it had the humor. The interesting history of the Great Underground Empire. The quirky responses to things. And treasure. Treasure was always fun back in the 80's.

This game has a special nostalgic value for me, of course, but I still feel this game holds up pretty well. Sure, it's absolutely CRUEL and brutal. It is a real challenge. This game isn't going to make you think or ponder life's mysteries or give a happy feel good comedy time. No, it's going to kick you in the private parts. Again. And Again. Until you quit, because you just can't handle it. Or until you smile after hours and hours of careful plodding, restoring, exploring, and eventually, winning!

It took me years but I did eventually beat Zork 1, then 2, and even 3. I did play a bit of Zork Zero and a few of the others in the more graphical parts of the series. Grand Inquisitor is super funny (never beat it). They all have adventuring and quirky flavor that is unique to the GUE setting and related areas. There's a lot to like about the series, overall, so why not start with the first one, the grandaddy of them all, ZORK I.

You know you want to. Go ahead. The house is right there.

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