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by Santiago Eximeno profile

About the Story

-Vamos, vamos, céntrate, sabes lo que debes hacer -dice la voz.

Premio NANOCOMP3 (Mejor NanoAventura).

Page Update History

  v.10: 11-Mar-2024 01:00 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed IFIDs
v.9: 13-Jan-2024 22:39 - JTN
Changed download links
v.8: 13-Jan-2024 22:38 - JTN
Changed download links
v.7: 28-Jun-2018 00:45 - IFforL2
Changed description
v.6: 28-Jun-2018 00:45 - IFforL2
Changed description
v.5: 28-Jun-2018 00:43 - IFforL2
Changed genre
v.4: 28-Jun-2018 00:22 - IFforL2
Changed genre, forgiveness
v.3: 28-Jun-2018 00:20 - IFforL2
Changed cover art, description
v.2: 04-Nov-2017 16:40 - Santiago Eximeno
Changed author
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:47 - IFDB
Created page

Game Details