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Darker Paths

by UCSBbigbrothers

About the Story

Part of our project for our English 149 class

You live in a world ravaged by atomic warfare. All major civilizations have been destroyed, leaving the remaining survivors to gather around radiation-proof domed cities called The Hives. Radiation damage has caused most humans to become infertile, drastically reducing population growth. The remaining men and women still able to reproduce are called Birthers, and are given special privileges to ensure the survival of the species. Birthers are given priority in residing in the Hives; all remaining non-government officials and non-Birthers are forced to live in the toxic environments of the outside world. You are one of the so-called "lucky" Birthers. You have just turned twenty. This is your story.

Page Update History

  v.3: 04-May-2021 23:51 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed license type
v.2: 02-Apr-2016 07:16 - necromancer
Changed cover art, description
v.1: 26-Dec-2013 07:57 - textadventures.co.uk robot
Created page

Game Details