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The Evil Sorcerer

by Gren Remoz

Page Update History

  v.3: 07-May-2022 22:49 - Paul O'Brian (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.2: 24-Apr-2008 11:33 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:47 - IFDB
Created page

1 Off-Site Review

>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

Somehow, the whole thing seemed to be the product of some fairly surface thinking. As a result, I never felt particularly immersed in the game. It's not that it was terribly offensive or outright bad, but its various problems and its by-the-numbers nature kept me at arm's length. Given that these were more or less the exact criticisms leveled at my first game, I understand very well how they can happen, and I'm optimistic that the author's next work can build on this game's strengths while addressing its weaknesses.
See the full review

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