Oliver Matthias

Berlin, Germany

Member since February 14, 2023
Last visited February 18, 2023
Profile ID (TUID): wf3guidhrnqa9zci

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Born in the mid-70s of the last century, I grew up trying to catch a Babel fish, being impressed by the graphics of The Pawns, and losing touch with text-based adventures when a certain Zack McSomething appeared on the scene.

I just recently got back into playing IF and discovered that, to my delight, the scene is still alive and kicking.

As a German, I weep heavy tears over the fact that there is no current Inform Language kit for the German language and am happy about every title that a brave mind releases into the world in my mother tongue.

One day, when I grow up, I want to write an IF story too. But until then, I'm writing my sci-fi novels and short stories and enjoying >get lamp.

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Oliver Matthias's Play Lists

Played Games

Fahrenheit 451, by Len Neufeld and Ray Bradbury
Amazon, by Michael Crichton
The Hobbit, by Philip Mitchell and Veronika Megler
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky
Ballyhoo, by Jeff O'Neill

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Wish List

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