
Seattle, WA

Member since October 3, 2009
Last visited October 16, 2009
Profile ID (TUID): uyorjai7bl6g1qrd

I have been playing IF since I was 9. My first exposure was an old copy of Zork on my friend's dad's computer. Then I experienced Adventure and the first two Unnkulian games on a shareware compilation CD. The arrival of the internet in my home brought the opportunity to seek out more of these enjoyable "text adventures." I played a handful of standalone titles in this way, including Curses, which remains my favorite to this day. Then I discovered the motherlode at

I can scarcely guess at the staggeringly high number of hours I have spent playing IF, but I don't regret it. I know it's not for everyone, but I still feel bad for those who've never played it or who squint at me confusedly when I try to explain the concept before turning back to their FPS or MMORPG. (Not that I don't enjoy a good FPS or MMORPG as much as the next man.)

I am pretty bad at puzzles, and I have a special antipathy toward mazes. Perhaps it's unusual that my favorite game contains both. I'm also not a big fan of situations where food or light sources impose time limits, although I have deeply enjoyed many games which feature this. Apart from these elements, I like all sorts of games.

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lupusrex's Play Lists

Played Games

Gourmet, by Aaron A. Reed and Chad Barb
Everybody Loves a Parade, by Cody Sandifer
Enhanced, by Hans Persson and Dominik Zemmler
A Day for Soft Food, by Tod Levi
Tapestry, by Daniel Ravipinto

See all 63 entries in the Played List

Wish List

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"Not Interested" List

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