

Member since October 22, 2007
Last visited May 8, 2008
Profile ID (TUID): pjci20ixglm71zaf

E-mail: [click to reveal]

Subject is male. Subject is 5'9" tall and roughly 150 pounds. Subject has long blond hair, blue eyes, and an unusual amount of scars. Subject plays bass guitar. Subject eats cheese (sharp). Subject has an interesting blog with lots of info on bass playing, progressive music, and of course... writing and playing IF.

That blog is: drfroth.wordpress.com

Subject also owns the most offensive T-shirt store on the planet (seriously folks, do not go here if you are pissed off easily).

That store is called ferverwear and is found here:

For more information on Dr.Froth, or to find out how you can join the only "official" Dr.Froth fanclub, send an email to me.

News about games authored by Dr.Froth (RSS Feed)
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Interactive Fiction by Dr.Froth

Cabin Fever, by Dr. Froth (2007)
(9 ratings)
An entry in the 2007 One Room Game competition. You are on vacation in a cabin far from anywhere, snowed in, unable to reach civilization for several hours at least. You are bored.

Gathered In Darkness, by Dr. Froth (2007)
(4 ratings)

Recommended Lists by Dr.Froth

This member hasn't created any lists yet.

Polls by Dr.Froth

This member hasn't created any polls yet.

Reviews by Dr.Froth

Slap That Fish, by Peter Nepstad   December 17, 2007
"If this had been called "Spank the Elderly" or "Slap the Crap Out of My Ex-Wife" I think I would have been able to get into it more. I..." - See the full review

Beneath: a Transformation, by Graham Lowther   December 4, 2007
"If the actions required to complete Beneath: a Transformation were, instead, a brutal murder of a young schoolgirl, than the killer would..." - See the full review

The Immortal, by Just Rob   November 27, 2007 (edited: December 3, 2007)
"I remember really liking "On A Pale Horse" and "Wielding A Red Sword" by Piers Anthony when I was younger. I also remember thinking that..." - See the full review

Eduard the Seminarist, by Heiko Theißen   November 25, 2007 (edited: December 3, 2007)
"Join the amazing adventures of Eduard in this action packed thrill-ride of one mans quest to make it to....to.... a poetry reading?!..." - See the full review

Press [Escape] to Save, by Mark Jones   November 25, 2007 (edited: December 3, 2007)
"First Thoughts: When I first downloaded all the comp games, I fired them all up and checked out the introductions to help me decide which..." - See the full review

See all 6 reviews by Dr.Froth
See all ratings and reviews by Dr.Froth

Dr.Froth's Play Lists

Played Games

Slap That Fish, by Peter Nepstad
Beneath: a Transformation, by Graham Lowther
The Immortal, by Just Rob
Eduard the Seminarist, by Heiko Theißen
Press [Escape] to Save, by Mark Jones

See all 8 entries in the Played List

Wish List

This member hasn't added any games to his Wish List yet.

"Not Interested" List

This member hasn't added any games to his "Not Interested" List yet.