Kumaria Juan Nazhi, Ol Mokcqa Du Lit Tdraib Kumeinien

West Pondicherry, India

Member since November 13, 2012
Last visited December 3, 2012
Profile ID (TUID): iyp3he6fzretuq9r

E-mail: mokcqa@yahoo.com

I am Kumaria Juan Nazhi, Ol Mokcqa Du Lit Tdraib Kumeinien; yes, that is my full name. I have blue skin, no lie. If you want to see why, check out my website:


Yes, I use Webs, a free site builder, because I believe that even though not everything is free for everyone, you should get, and make, the most out of what is freely available to yourself. It's a long motto, I know, but I live up to it like nobody's business! Oh yeah! I'm good!

Anyway, I have made one IF game. However, it's not as good as the average in quality, because I don't know code. So I made it using Webs's Blog app. It works okayly. Yes, that's a word in my tribe. Trust me, you will see a lot of words that naturally don't exist in English written by me, because I whole heartedly believe that since certain words exist in Kumanian, my native language, I should use their roughest translations in English, to prove my point that English is a highly primitive and limited language! Anyway, if you want to play my game, just go to:


Follow the laws before continuing to the title screen, and ENJOY!

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Polls by Kumaria Juan Nazhi, Ol Mokcqa Du Lit Tdraib Kumeinien

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Reviews by Kumaria Juan Nazhi, Ol Mokcqa Du Lit Tdraib Kumeinien

Heavenly, by Jim Aikin   November 14, 2012
"I really like this game. It's a great mix of many of the alledged genres I love: text games, short games, easy games, and fun games. The..." - See the full review

Kumaria Juan Nazhi, Ol Mokcqa Du Lit Tdraib Kumeinien's Play Lists

Played Games

KBreak, by Kumaria Juan Nazhi - Ol Mokcqa Du Lit Tdraib Kumeinien

Wish List

KBreak, by Kumaria Juan Nazhi - Ol Mokcqa Du Lit Tdraib Kumeinien