Jon Stall

Member since May 25, 2012
Last visited July 5, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): hkoqo7yz38ifqhji

Interactive Fiction by Jon Stall

The Algophilists' Penury, by Jon Stall (2012)
(6 ratings)
We were the Algophilists, obdurate in our longueur and waiting for our quietus in the tenebrous of our morbific abode; join us.

Recommended Lists by Jon Stall

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Polls by Jon Stall

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Reviews by Jon Stall

Zugzwang, by Vanessa Jygon, Eleanor Jimmy   July 1, 2024
"A piebald perigrination mediately, and intermediately, atween the aforeward tale of intercommuning adolescents. Rummish and odd-ceited,..." - See the full review

Deep Probe, by Jon R. Lemmon   May 26, 2016
"The helicopter bulletins were subsurgatious however the gallimaufry of vitellary/vermilion/sulphureous garishments are more icterogenic..." - See the full review