John Daily

New York

Member since July 30, 2011
Last visited May 30, 2016
Profile ID (TUID): e46pqitkfltjusrj

My first IF was Hitchhiker's on a Commodore 64 at a friend's house; I was insanely jealous, as I only had a TI-99/4A. Having no text adventures for it, I began writing my own. Later, I was Sysop of The Gameroom BBS in upstate NY, as well as co-sysop of two other boards, all of which featured text-heavy games such as L.O.R.D. At that time, I began working on a similar game (to be called "Chimera") in Turbo PASCAL. Unfortunately, this was right when the Internet was growing exponentially. As a direct result, all of the BBS's I was affiliated with closed down, effectively ending the project.

Recently, I've rediscovered IF, and have begun scripting a game on Inform 7. I was very surprised to find such a vital, thriving community (also a bit bummed I didn't find you all sooner), and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!

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Reviews by John Daily

Eliza, by Anonymous   August 4, 2011 (edited: August 5, 2011)
"In his 1976 discussion of the integration of computers and society, Computermacht und Gesellschaft, Joseph Weizenbaum discusses his..." - See the full review

Shade, by Andrew Plotkin   August 3, 2011 (edited: August 4, 2011)
"There is a reason why, eleven years after its release, people are still playing (and discussing) Shade: It's a benchmark game. Beautiful..." - See the full review

D-Day, by Yvette Gilmore   August 1, 2011
"Writing this review pains me a bit, because it's obvious that this is Ms. Gilmore's first release (I certainly don't want to be the..." - See the full review

Digging thru Doctrine of the Dead, by Simmon Keith   July 31, 2011 (edited: August 1, 2011)
"Digging thru Doctrine of the Dead was an entry in the Speed-IF for July 2004, the rules of which read: "In 2 hours or whatever your..." - See the full review

Somewhen, by Bryce J. Rhaiz   July 30, 2011 (edited: July 31, 2011)
""Make 'em wanna visit! And get some decent soundbites this time!" Mr. Graham, your boss and editor of the Southern Indiana Digital Dirt..." - See the full review

See all 8 reviews by John Daily
See all ratings and reviews by John Daily