
Lille, France

Member since August 28, 2010
Last visited January 25, 2016
Profile ID (TUID): akgy3gzcdm4xutwx

I am an ESL teacher and have played IF on and off since 2004, I just recently sat down with Inform7 and Twine to learn how to make basic games.

I'm interested in IF and its use in the foreign language classroom.

One image from a game that stays in my head -- the late afternoon in the hotel, in Emily Short's City of Secrets. The ambiance and atmosphere here have stuck with me for several years after playing the game. Something about being a stranger stuck in a foreign place -- hot and dry, and the late afternoon sun.

Recommended Lists by Aaron

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Polls by Aaron

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Reviews by Aaron

Hard Puzzle, by Ade McT   January 17, 2016 (edited: January 18, 2016)
"Something about this game drew me in, then beat me over the head and left me wanting more. A milk stool? What? The Family? The Event? I..." - See the full review

Aaron's Play Lists

Played Games

Cat Simulator 2016, by helado de brownie
Deadline Enchanter, by Alan DeNiro
Ultimate Quest, by Emily Short
Counterfeit Monkey, by Emily Short
Bee, by Emily Short

See all 21 entries in the Played List

Wish List

Metamorphoses, by Emily Short
Marble Madness, by Emily Short