Thomas Insel

Member since June 29, 2009
Last visited February 2, 2023
Profile ID (TUID): 84mkfrjdrxj85iiz

Lurking since 1993.

Interactive Fiction by Thomas Insel

Red, by Thomas Insel (2018)
(5 ratings)
"Don't forget," your mother said, "your Granny's arthritis has been acting up since the weather last week. She's been in bed since Thursday. I need you to take her this basket first thing. When you...

Founder's Mercy, by Thomas Insel (2019)
(12 ratings)
You awake. You are lonely, so lonely. It was a thousand days ago today. All alone these thousand days. Your parents were the last. No, your father was the last. He held on for nearly a hundred days...

Midnight at Al's Self Storage, Truck Rentals, and Discount Psychic Readings, by Thomas Insel (2022)
(9 ratings)
This was supposed to be an easy job to earn some money the summer before college, but Joe has an impossible list of chores for you every evening. He's the owner and only he handles the truck...

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