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by Louphole profile

(based on 3 ratings)
3 reviews5 members have played this game.

About the Story

Je ne sais pas quand l'orsimonous de mon père a commencé à disparaître.

Que celle-ci ait changée serait une chose tout à fait commune à vrai dire. Après tout, chacun.e a la sienne et sa forme varie selon nos expériences.

Mais qu'elle disparaisse est un phénomène bien plus étrange.

L'Orsimonous est un monologue interactif où vos choix déterminent plus votre manière d'appréhender ce qu'est l'orsimonous que la suite des réflexions à son sujet.


15th Place overall; 3rd Place, Prix d’Excellence Littéraire - French Comp 2024

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 3 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
A sci fi (?) metaphor game for relationships, March 19, 2024
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This was difficult to understand as a non-native speaker. It's a story about a fictional spacefaring society that is written in a way that's meant to be obtuse and indeterminate at first before resolving later on.

Everyone has an 'ors' or 'orsimonous' that is visible that lets you understand certain things about the other person; what that is is up to interpretation, but can include parts of their past, their current feelings, etc.

Your father's ors has disappeared.

It happened after a big natural disaster.

The intent of this piece is to discuss how that happened.

At least, that's what I think. The writing is very indirect, saying the same thing multiple times but never outright. It's possible there are many allusions I missed here (is the 'shock' a metaphor for something like Covid? Is the 'orsimonous' a term used in other works of French fiction). But I liked the way the choices were presented and the work made me feel contemplative.

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Captivating Reflections, March 9, 2024
Related reviews: French, Concours FI

L’Orsimonous is an interactive monologue written in Ink, in which you reflect on the concept and changes of the ‘orsimonous’, when you realise your father’s has disappeared. The piece is fairly linear, with the many choices seemingly affecting only the following paragraph (or so). Here, it is more about the mediation of the words than the inherent interaction that is important. As if the text was pushing you to question yourself, on what ‘orsimonous’ could mean, on families and relationships, on the past and the future, on life and death.

As far as I could tell/find, ‘orsimonous’ is a concept created for this IF (I had to double check, just in case), some sort of veil/halo-like thing on the line between metaphysical and tangible, ever-so changing with the person’s moods, feelings, and understanding. Or at least, this is how I took the concept, influenced by the moody blurry animated background. A reflection, maybe of your soul?

There was something captivating with the prose. Simple, maybe even mundane, talking about life. I can’t put my finger on it, so I kept restarting it, trying all the options to read all the different bits of text, hoping to find why. I still don’t know. It was bewitching.

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Une reflexion sur notre rapport aux autres , March 7, 2024*

L'histoire nous propose de suivre et d'influencer les réflexions interne du personnage quand a la disparition de l'Orsimonous de son père. A travers cette choses dont la définition est au coeur du récit, c'est notre rapport aux autres qui est questionné.

Une histoire intéressante qui nous pousse à y réfléchir en même temps que le personnage.

* This review was last edited on March 9, 2024
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Fictions interactives francophones testées à plusieurs durant des sessions de streaming sur ma chaîne Twitch. French interactive fictions played during streaming sessions on my Twitch channel.

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