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這、這才不是一個愛與勇氣的乙女遊戲呢! 笨蛋 —— 到巴斯維克去吧。或許,你會在那裡找回心裡的聲音… 浪跡天涯的傀儡師艾利 ・ 瑪蘭狄奇因緣際會來到首都巴斯維克,卻意外捲入一場刺殺皇帝的陰謀。在人生地不熟的情況下被誤認為頭號嫌犯,艾利得使出渾身解數方能脫身。幸好,她不必孤身奮戰:及時出現的四個男人,或許能幫助她在時限內揪出真兇,證明自己的清白,甚至與她共譜一段甜蜜纏綿的戀曲…只是在這當下,追求浪漫恐怕並非最明智的抉擇。在旅途的終點,等待她的究竟是愛情的歸宿,還是無情的斷頭台呢? 四個可攻略對象 一隻性感可愛神出鬼沒的水豚 手繪什麼的什麼 水豚記得你的每個選擇 每個對象皆有數種結局 什麼的什麼等你來蒐集
Elli Marandici, a talented puppeteer, arrives in Bathrovico in the midst of her wandering, but is accidentally caught in a coup that threatens to claim the emperor's life. Deemed the primary suspect, Elli must pull out all the stops to get herself out of trouble. Fortunately, she does not have to fight alone: with the timely aid of four charming men, she may just be able to locate the culprit and prove her innocence before her time runs out. She may even find love on the way -- but would she live to savour it, or would the romance end up costing her her life?
Features: * Four potential GxB romance interests * One sexy but elusive capybara * Hand sketched sprites and CGs * Meaningful choices (with a few not so meaningful ones) * Multiple endings for each route * Bad ending stamp card (collect all stamps to unlock an extra CG) * Over 20 CGs and 30 collectibles (and counting)