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Sh*t, Where's My Poop

by M3G1DD0


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About the Story

Oh no! You lost your shit! But Dr. Cuthbert needs all five samples.

Do you remember in which 🚽 you left them? Find your poop and earn Shitcoins.

Get your first guess right and earn 1 Shitcoin. If your second guess is correct, you earn 0.5 of a Shitcoin. If it’s your third guess, you still get 0.25 of a Shitcoin… But beware: Mr. Flush’s clock is ticking!

Get your shit together, before Evil Mr. Flush claims it forever. Will you be able to get all five poop samples to Dr. Cuthbert in time and earn the impossible highscore of 5 Shitcoins?


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