
Results for beginner
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7 results found

Beginner's choice.

by Grey - 13 games
"If for first time or beginner players. "

5 beginner games for me to play.

by HoneySpeck - 5 games
"I have compiled a list of 5 games that seem interesting to me and have been described by the community as easy for a beginner to play. I must play these games before I play anything else this site has to offer."

Fun for Beginners

by Raksab - 7 games
"These are games that a newcomer to IF might enjoy. They are well-implemented, not too frustrating, and help give a general idea of what kinds of things IF can do."

Uncle Rov's Beginner's Must-Plays.

by Rovarsson - 10 games

A starter pack for those new to interactive fiction

by MathBrush - 31 games
"I had a list like this before which I deleted, but I noticed it had a lot of views on intfiction, so I thought I'd make a new one to help people out. It has 10 web-based games, 10 parser games for beginners and 10 parser games of medium..."

Apollo 18+20

by Teaspoon - 38 games
"Interactive fiction games, with one game per track on the album Apollo 18 by They Might Be Giants. The regular tracks are generally short games. The Fingertips tracks are one-move games (however the authors interpreted that). The games..."

Introducing a friend to IF

by KatherineTheCurst - 8 games
"This is a list I am making for a friend who has never played any IF before. I tried to include games that would be a good starting point for someone new to the format, but it also has a lot of personal favorites."