Ad Verbum, by Nick Montfort Ben's rating: Average member rating: (136 ratings) "With the cantankerous Wizard of Wordplay evicted from his mansion, the worthless plot can now be redeveloped. The city regulations declare, however, that the rip-down job can't proceed until all the items... |
Babel, by Ian Finley Ben's rating: Average member rating: (156 ratings) In this game, you play as an amnesiac inside Babel, an abandoned Arctic facility devoted to biological research. You soon discover that you have the unusual ability to witness scenes from the past by... |
Best of Three, by Emily Short Ben's rating: Average member rating: (62 ratings) |
City of Secrets, by Emily Short Ben's rating: Average member rating: (105 ratings) |
Deadline Enchanter, by Alan DeNiro Ben's rating: Average member rating: (58 ratings) |
For a Change, by Dan Schmidt Ben's rating: Average member rating: (117 ratings) "The sun has gone. It must be brought. You have a rock." [--blurb from Competition '99] |
Galatea, by Emily Short Ben's rating: Average member rating: (341 ratings) Emily Short's description: A conversation with a work of art. "47. Galatea. White Thasos marble. Non-commissioned work by the late Pygmalion of Cyprus. (The artist has since committed suicide.) Originally... |
Metamorphoses, by Emily Short Ben's rating: Average member rating: (132 ratings) You wake to stillness. The hammering, banging, and shouting that kept you awake half the night are gone. The air is cold, and something smells burnt. Your master's experiments must be finished, but with what... |
Moon-Shaped, by Jason Ermer Ben's rating: Average member rating: (38 ratings) In this game partly inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, you play as Rosalind Wechsler, a girl on the cusp of her 13th birthday. What begins as a trip to Grandmother's house in the woods leads to disturbing... |
Photopia, by Adam Cadre Ben's rating: Average member rating: (565 ratings) "Will you read me a story?" "Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together." |
Pytho's Mask, by Emily Short Ben's rating: Average member rating: (71 ratings) On the Night of the Comet, the usual astrological bonds do not hold, and the order of the universe is threatened. It is a time made for rebels and usurpers, and all who would claim the kingdom for... |
Shade, by Andrew Plotkin Ben's rating: Average member rating: (420 ratings) "A one-room game set in your apartment." [--blurb from Competition Aught-Zero] |
Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto Ben's rating: Average member rating: (217 ratings) In the beginning was the Word, and it was hungry. ... |
Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out of Me, by Mike Sousa and Jon Ingold Ben's rating: Average member rating: (35 ratings) Dr. Taylor's looking worried. Dr. Kurner's looking exhausted. Zak is grinning with glee. Today is the big day, and you're about to try out the crowning experiment of your life, and in AtlantisLab's chequered... |