Gateway 2: Homeworld, by Mike Verdu and Glen Dahlgren Average member rating: (18 ratings) In the early twenty-second century, an immense alien spacecraft, dubbed the "Artifact," arrives in the Earth's solar system. The Artifact ignores all attempts at communication; no one knows whether its... |
Interstellar Text Adventure, by Jordan Goldberg Average member rating: (4 ratings) The Interstellar Text Adventure serves as a prequel to Christopher Nolan's 2014 sci-fi film Interstellar. Having a basic knowledge of Interstellar is not essential but will enhance play. The game follows the... |
Oo-Topos, by Michael Berlyn, Muffy Berlyn, Raimund Redlich, and Brian Poff Average member rating: (1 rating) It's 1995 A.D., Earth time. An Interstellar Transport carrying power transfusion waste collided with a meteor, scattering its contents towards Earth's Sun. The transfusion waste is so deadly that all life on... |
Orbital Decay, by Kayvan Sarikhani CiberSheep's rating: Average member rating: (9 ratings) An astronaut’s life is wondrous; sometimes, space has other ideas. |
Planet of Death, by Richard Turner, Chris Thornton Average member rating: (2 ratings) The player is stranded on an alien planet. The aim is to escape from this planet by finding the captured and disabled spaceship. A version in BASIC also exists for the TRS-80 MC-10, COCO and Dragon 32. |
Rendezvous With Rama, by Ronald Martinez and Arthur C. Clarke Average member rating: (1 rating) By now, the year 2130, all of the largest asteroids in the solar system have long since been discovered. So when a huge new asteroid appears the only surprise is that it was overlooked for so long. As the... |
RESCATE 2019, by Ricardo Oyon Rodriguez Average member rating: (1 rating) Año 2019 El futuro La Ganímedes, una pequeña nave intergaláctica que se dedica un poco a todo, según las circunstancias y la necesidad, se encuentra varada en un planeta lejano en el que varios... |