Windows - Details

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OS Name: Windows
External ID: Windows
Display Priority: 100

Versions & Download Adviser entries

All Versions [External ID: Windows.*; Browser ID match pattern: win]
Windows NT 3.5 [External ID: Windows.NT3.5; Browser ID match pattern: win(dows)? ?NT ?3\.5]
Windows 95 [External ID: Windows.95; Browser ID match pattern: Win(dows)? ?95]
Windows NT 4 [External ID: Windows.NT4; Browser ID match pattern: win(dows)? ?NT ?4\.0]
Windows 98 [External ID: Windows.98; Browser ID match pattern: Win(dows)? ?98]
Windows 98 Second Edition [External ID: Windows.98SE]
Windows 2000 [External ID: Windows.2000; Browser ID match pattern: Win(dows)? ?NT ?5\.0]
Windows ME [External ID: Windows.ME; Browser ID match pattern: win(dows)? ?9x ?4\.90]
Windows XP [External ID: Windows.XP; Browser ID match pattern: win(dows)? ?nt ?5\.1]
Windows Vista [External ID: Windows.Vista; Browser ID match pattern: win(dows)? ?nt ?6\.0]
Windows 7 [External ID: Windows.Win7; Browser ID match pattern: win(dows)? ?nt ?6\.1]
Windows 8 [External ID: Windows.Win8; Browser ID match pattern: win(dows)? ?nt ?6\.2]
Windows 8.1 [External ID: Windows.Win8.1; Browser ID match pattern: win(dows)? ?nt ?6\.2]

Versions are shown in chronological order of release. For the purposes of download & installation advice, IFDB assumes that a later version of this operating system is backward-compatible with earlier versions; that is, we assume that an application designed for an earlier version will work on all later versions.

The OS and Version ID values are permanent identifiers for the OS and version entries. These can be used in external tools to unambiguously refer to our OS list data.