News for Tale of the Starweavers

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Update 1.3 has been released! Patch notes
June 27, 2014
*121 playable passages total
*Sorcerer storyline greatly expanded
*Beginning of rogue storyline (Lawful Neutral path is available so far)
*More music added
*Google drive with twine downloads added to main page
Reported by Alyssa Barstow | History | Edit | Delete
Update 1.2 released! Patch notes
June 20, 2014
Newest additions and fixes:
*Expanded warrior storyline
*Added a soundtrack of sorts
*Dictionary of terms on start page
*Fixed some bugs with the inventory and certain variables
*Cleaned up a few typos
*Over 50 playable passages now!

Coming in the 1.3 update!~
*More images and music
*Expanded sorcerer and warrior storylines
*Beginning of rogue storyline
*Google drive with all the related game downloads in different formats
Reported by Alyssa Barstow | History | Edit | Delete
Version 1.1 has been released!
June 18, 2014
See previous update notes for added content.

1.0 was just sort of a test run to get something out there.
1.1 is to give you guys something to play while I work on making this game actually sizeable.
1.2 I hope will increase dramatically in size and perhaps with some new features.

1.2 should be released before June is over.

1.0 Download is currently being reviewed by the ifdb team.

1.1 Download should should be submitted sometime around the 25th and released shortly after that.

1.2 Update notes coming soon!
Reported by Alyssa Barstow | History | Edit | Delete
Update 1.1 to be released evening 6/18/14!
June 18, 2014
*About 15 branches added in various sections. Mainly warrior path expanded, did a tiny bit of work on the sorcerer branches.

*New inventory function!

*Coin conversions made clearer

*Fixed a few passages that didn't have 'Display stats' function

*Added 'Display Inventory' option to all passages
Reported by Alyssa Barstow (updated on June 18, 2014) | History | Edit | Delete

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