News for Valley of Steel

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Release 3 is available!
March 29, 2014
Release 3 of Valley of Steel is available now. It'll be uploaded to IFArchive shortly, but for now it's available on the game website. It has over 50 fixes and changes, including streamlining the map, new commands and verbs, new speech options for NPCs, and new game text. Many thanks to various testers, including the IFMud crew at ClubFloyd, for finding problems and encouraging me to keep iterating it. The core storyline is unchanged.
Reported by The Custodian | History | Edit | Delete
Release 2 is available!
May 17, 2013
After more than 100 fixes and improvements (including a slightly rewritten ending and a very heavily worked-over start area due to many helpful suggestions and bug reports from Andrew Schultz and others) I'm pleased to offer you Release 2 of Valley of Steel. I continue to iterate it slowly, and I'm sure that I'll find more things to fix (especially in the middle game) but the game is, I believe, much improved both in performance, puzzles and feel. Suggestions and bug reports always happily accepted - see the game's web site for a link to the game's issue tracker (warning: possible spoilers!) and my contact info. I've resubmitted it to the if-archive due to the new release.

Reported by The Custodian (updated on May 18, 2013) | History | Edit | Delete

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