Reviews by Yuna

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howling dogs, by Porpentine
2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Deep and affecting, November 19, 2012
by Yuna
Related reviews: IF Comp 2012

Hypertext fiction has a lot of differences from standard IF, most particularly in that it is interactive without letting the reader actively determine the course of the story. Twine fiction, in particular, frequently gives few choices about what happens, instead relying upon the medium to slow down the pace of the story. Even the illusory decision-making involved in deciding in what order to read various passages can be powerfully immersive when handled well.

howling dogs is handled well.

There's not much that can be said without spoilers. It at least appears that the protagonist is (Spoiler - click to show)in some kind of hospital, possibly a mental ward or even a prison, and is being "entertained" (if you could call it that) by a series of virtual reality experiences.

The longest and most intriguing section concerns (Spoiler - click to show)a child born with a bone foot, whose deformity marks her as the heir to the throne. After disturbing and intricate lessons, she ascends to her place, makes several political decisions, and finally attends a celebration of her rule. A strikingly vivid picture is painted of a superstitious society focused on tightly-defined roles and individual pleasure, and there is some quiet horror in walking through the life of its most tightly defined member.

Many different conclusions can be drawn. But howling dogs is a powerful, creative, and effective use of the Twine medium.

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9:05, by Adam Cadre
2 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Short and clever, November 12, 2012
by Yuna

An exercise in the assumptions we make as readers of interactive fiction. Takes maybe five minutes to play through, and well worth the time.

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