Ratings by Ramona G

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Lifeline: Flatline, by Daryl Gregory and 3 Minute Games
Ramona G's Rating:

Lifeline: Crisis Line, by Matthew Sturges and 3 Minute Games
Ramona G's Rating:

Smitten Kittens, by Jacqueline A. Lott
Ramona G's Rating:

The Temple of No, by Dominik Johann, William Pugh, Crows Crows Crows
Ramona G's Rating:

Demon Mark: A Russian Saga, by Lorraine Fryer and Vladimir Barash
Ramona G's Rating:

The Scent of Death, by Derek Labat
Ramona G's Rating:

Get Seen Tonight, by Harris Powell-Smith
Ramona G's Rating:

Alter Ego, by Peter J. Favaro
Ramona G's Rating:

Congresswolf, by Ellen Cooper
Ramona G's Rating:

Choice of the Deathless, by Max Gladstone
Ramona G's Rating:

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