Ratings by RichCheng

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Mystery Science Theater 3000 Presents "Detective", by C. E. Forman, Matt Barringer, Graeme Cree, and Stuart Moore
RichCheng's Rating:

An Act of Murder, by Christopher Huang
RichCheng's Rating:

The Nemean Lion, by Anonymous
RichCheng's Rating:

9:05, by Adam Cadre
RichCheng's Rating:

All Roads, by Jon Ingold
RichCheng's Rating:

Vespers, by Jason Devlin
RichCheng's Rating:

Spider and Web, by Andrew Plotkin
RichCheng's Rating:

The Space Under the Window, by Andrew Plotkin
RichCheng's Rating:

Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
RichCheng's Rating:

Shade, by Andrew Plotkin
RichCheng's Rating:

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