Reviews by DallasBrianK


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All Hope Abandon, by Eric Eve
7 of 13 people found the following review helpful:
Religion/Theology Teacher's Dream!, August 15, 2009*
by DallasBrianK (DFW Area)
Related reviews: Religion, Theology, Bible

I have a Masters Degree in Theology and teach in a Catholic High School. I'm probably one of the few individuals who could appreciate the humorous scenarios within this game. BTW - I have sat through conference presentations much like the Professor gives.

When playing the game I sometimes became stuck. Fortunately, the hint system provided clues to solving the problems without giving them away. The puzzles were interesting, particularly the "final exam" the player must complete.

A working knowledge of theological issues, particularly related to Scripture interpretation, made a difference. Players not familiar with religious terminology might find the game dull.

* This review was last edited on August 16, 2009
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