The visuals are largely there for the ADHD crowd. For me, they do not enhance the experience.
The choices have consequences, but the consequences are not clear. You make decisions, but you have no idea what those decisions will do.
Effectively, this is a random story generator and the reader's job is to provide the random seed.
Very little content. Images hosted off-site.
What's is not explained. There is no means to check progress.
Not great.
Uninteresting in the extreme. Dull, repetitive writing. 'Choices'. This barely qualifies as a game.
I genuinely have no interest in playing through some dude's Google search results for 'classical literature and history' and 'bad porn scripts'.
That this is highly regarded is a testament to the lack of quality in the genre.
The game is not currently playable, as it relies on external websites that no longer exist.
The first thing you need to know is that the codeword is (Spoiler - click to show)overseer. This is not especially important, as you can't get much further.
It'd be nice to see this game restored. I'm sure someone, somewhere has a backup of the websites.