Ratings and Reviews by Cory Roush

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Coloratura, by Lynnea Glasser
Cory Roush's Rating:

Origins, by Vincent Zeng and Chris Martens
Cory Roush's Rating:

An Act of Murder, by Christopher Huang
Cory Roush's Rating:

Delusions, by C. E. Forman
Cory Roush's Rating:

Solarium, by Anya Johanna DeNiro
Cory Roush's Rating:

Lock & Key, by Adam Cadre
Cory Roush's Rating:

The Edifice, by Lucian P. Smith
Cory Roush's Rating:

Janitor, by Peter Seebach and Kevin Lynn
Cory Roush's Rating:

Beat the Devil, by Robert M. Camisa
Cory Roush's Rating:

Scavenger, by Quintin Stone
Cory Roush's Rating:

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