Ratings by wolfbiter

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Detective Osiris, by Adam Burt
wolfbiter's Rating:

Virtue, by Oliver Revolta
wolfbiter's Rating:

Shanidar, Safe Return, by Cecilia Dougherty
wolfbiter's Rating:

The Sculptor, by Yakoub Mousli
wolfbiter's Rating:

Please Sign Here, by Michelle Negron (as "Road")
wolfbiter's Rating:

Lonehouse, by Ayu Sekarlangit Mokoginta
wolfbiter's Rating:

Help! I Can't Find My Glasses!, by Lacey Green
wolfbiter's Rating:

Escape your psychosis, by Georg Buchrucker
wolfbiter's Rating:

The Paper Magician, by Soojung Choi
wolfbiter's Rating:

Out of Scope, by Drew Castalia
wolfbiter's Rating:

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