Reviews by Christopher Caesar


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An Act of Murder, by Christopher Huang
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Infocom Mystery At Its Best, January 13, 2013
Related reviews: An, Act, of, Murder, Mystery, Infocom

This game was one of the games that caught my attention, and both detective and examination skills are required to solve this one.The interactions are relatively open-world, but you can't ask everyone about everything, after all.

The game starts off on a low note, it is late at night, and you are reluctantly driving to the house where the crime was committed. The amount you can interact with suspects is amazing, and asking people about the same thing will always end up with you getting different opinions, and one person will give you a clue or two. It kept me going for hours and I loved playing Inspector. But be careful, the game is harder than it looks!

The game takes a few playing sessions, and if you are stuck there is a built in >HELP command, and this gives you hints. It's suitable for first-time gamers, as well! The only way to win is by focusing on statements of all suspects. Enjoy! I did.

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