Ratings and Reviews by t3isukone

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De Baron, by Victor Gijsbers
t3isukone's Rating:

Toby's Nose, by Chandler Groover
t3isukone's Rating:

Eat Me, by Chandler Groover
t3isukone's Rating:

Sunless Sea, by Failbetter Games
t3isukone's Rating:

Vespers, by Jason Devlin
t3isukone's Rating:

Xanthippe's Last Night with Socrates, by Victor Gijsbers
t3isukone's Rating:

Blue Lacuna, by Aaron A. Reed
t3isukone's Rating:

Choice of Robots, by Kevin Gold
t3isukone's Rating:

With Those We Love Alive, by Porpentine and Brenda Neotenomie
t3isukone's Rating:

According to Cain, by Jim Nelson
t3isukone's Rating:

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