Reviews by dacharya64


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Earl Grey, by Rob Dubbin and Allison Parrish
2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Tricky, yet satisfying, September 4, 2011

I really enjoy word games, so when I heard the premise of this game I knew I had to give it a try. So you start off getting ready to host a tea party. And then you talk for a while, get to learn about your newfound power to manipulate the written world around you... But of course as everyone knows, curiosity killed the cat. And so fiddling with these new powers might get earn you some just retribution.

This was a great concept, wonderfully clever and strategically employed. Clearly the author put much thought into every word. Not only that, but he's still managed to make the game witty and interesting to boot! Soon, though, it can become pretty tricky, and one might have to resort to a walkthrough or hints. Also, there seemed a few things in game that should be able to have letters stolen or added, and yet they couldn't (but something like this is almost unavoidable). This game is original and fresh, a great game.

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