Ratings and Reviews by Ghalev

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An Open Field, by Chris Daniels
Ghalev's Rating:

Chaos, by John Barker
Ghalev's Rating:

Snowquest, by Eric Eve
Ghalev's Rating:

Supermarket Robbery, by Mister Nose
Ghalev's Rating:

Magic Travels, by Mister Nose
Ghalev's Rating:

zRogue, by Gevan Dutton
Ghalev's Rating:

Unscientific Fiction, by Tom Tervoort
Ghalev's Rating:

Dead of Winter, by Gunther Schmidl (as 'Christina Pagniacci')
Ghalev's Rating:

All Hope Abandon, by Eric Eve
Ghalev's Rating:

Tookie's Song, by Jessica Knoch
Ghalev's Rating:

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