This is CYOA where you click on keywords. Usually there are two or three choices per page, and there are lots of branches, and lots of endings that happen unexpectedly. There's not a whole lot of through line to the plot as it meanders on a trippy, poetic tangent. I played about four times, and was surprised that what I thought would be the length of the story branched out somewhere totally new and continued. You won't be engaging any sort of problem solving or rational progression muscle. What happens next is usually random and is based little on the wisdom of your choices, but this is definitely worth a read or two if you like some fervently written prose in a psychedelic fantasy-horror vein.
boxed quotation.
sparse text.
"noun verbs".
tiny game.
review longer.
poor dog.
horror what?
author nightmare?
half star.
Just as it says, this is a short tutorial game about being lost at sea that would be a good example game for new players. The player is guided the entire way through.
The only niggle is the last action in the game (Spoiler - click to show)PICK UP THE GLOBAL CELLPHONE is not spelled out, and synonyms PHONE, CELL, CELLPHONE do not seem to work. Perhaps the point is to get new players adjusted to guess-the-noun puzzlery?