Polls by Sam Kabo Ashwell

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1–7 of 7

The Squick Squad - 12 votes for 10 games; created July 21, 2015
A list of games with a heavy emphasis on disgusting, gross-out subject-matter, whether in service to some higher goal, or just because...

NPCs Made Easy - 33 votes for 19 games; created February 9, 2015
A list of games which notably use elision, sleight-of-hand, cleverly framed premises, or other fiendish implementor tricks in order to...

For Your Consideration - XYZZY-eligible puzzles of 2013 - 12 votes for 9 games; created April 23, 2013
This poll is a place to suggest individual puzzles from games released in 2013, which you think might be worth considering for Best...

For Your Consideration - XYZZY-eligible NPCs of 2013 - 19 votes for 16 games; created April 23, 2013
This poll is a place to suggest non-player characters from games released in 2013, who you think might be worth considering for Best...

For Your Consideration: XYZZY-eligible PCs of 2013 - 17 votes for 15 games; created April 23, 2013
This poll is a place to suggest player characters from games released in 2013, who you think might be worth considering for Best...

This Is Who We Are - 67 votes for 31 games; created September 12, 2012
A considerable number of games exist largely as the commentary of the IF community (or some subset of it) upon the medium and the...

Sublime Moments - 111 votes for 57 games; created May 19, 2011
I've been thinking about games that provide really brilliant moments. This is not about the overall quality of the game: there are plenty...

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