Polls with votes for The Cove

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Parser games (any system, any age) with English rural setting/atmosphere - 20 votes for 12 games; created September 17, 2021
A poll by Marco Innocenti
I'm looking for any parser game (modern or vintage) that is set in an English, rural, Victorian overall ambient, both indoor and outdoor....

Historical adventures. - 15 votes for 12 games; created November 28, 2019
A poll by Rovarsson
I love historical novels, no matter what time period they're set in. They do have to be accurate though. Can you suggest IF-games that...

Games about travel - 97 votes for 72 games; created February 19, 2016
A poll by penguincascadia
This list is for games either about travel or with travel as a major part of the plot or background. Stuff like being able to choose...

ZCode games with non-standard status lines - 12 votes for 10 games; created September 6, 2009
A poll by Dannii
I'm interested in finding ZCode (primarily those written in Inform, though Infocom games could be ok too) which have a non-standard...

Best Short Games (5-60 minutes) - 224 votes for 68 games; created July 12, 2009
A poll by Sasha Davidovna
I'm pretty new to IF and am having a lot of fun, but in between a toddler and a job and other real life stuff, I'm having trouble finding...

Games with accurate (present or historical) settings - 47 votes for 26 games; created October 10, 2008
A poll by Emily Short
I'm looking for works in the general spirit of The Fire Tower or 1893: they can be puzzly or not, have a story or not, but they should...

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