Polls with votes for Tass Times in Tonetown

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Non-Infocom games of commercial era worth playing - 83 votes for 34 games; created January 6, 2015
A poll by tekket
What commercial games published between 1980-1993 other than those by Infocom do you think are worth playing?

Games featuring music - 26 votes for 19 games; created July 29, 2012
A poll by Karl Ove Hufthammer
I have always thought that music has a huge potential for enhancing IF, more so than graphics has. So what are the best examples of IF...

Solved without Hints - 205 votes for 112 games; created July 16, 2010
A poll by joncgoodwin
I'm very interested in hearing truthful accounts of at least somewhat difficult games (or games that don't solve themselves at least)...

Games with NPCs that tag along - 86 votes for 48 games; created February 12, 2009
A poll by Ghalev
List here any games that feature a (preferably memorable!) "sidekick" character - an NPC who follows the viewpoint character around for...

Games with graphics and/or sound - 168 votes for 88 games; created December 15, 2008
A poll by eyesack
I couldn't find an easy way to search for this, so I figured I'd ask the hivemind: What games use graphics and/or sound to enhance the...

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