Polls with votes for Catch That Cat

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Verb That Noun titles - 10 votes for 7 games; created February 20, 2023
A poll by David Welbourn
This is a very silly poll that collects games with "Verb That Noun" style titles into one list. It amused me.

games about cats - 26 votes for 22 games; created October 22, 2016
A poll by beetlesack99
are there any

All the Pretty Sources - 30 votes for 21 games; created December 20, 2012
A poll by Jeremy Freese
IF games that have source code available that you'd hold up as an example of what good looking source code is supposed to look like. (I...

Very Short Games - 57 votes for 29 games; created November 3, 2010
A poll by tggdan3
Games that can be completed in less than 30 mintues. Need not be one room (though that obviously helps). Hopefully, the games are fun as...

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