Polls with votes for Child's Play

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Games with interesting content that unlocks after beating the game - 14 votes for 10 games; created May 6, 2015
A poll by MathBrush
After playing Tenth Plague, I was interested when I saw the game had a commentary mode. I was looking for similar "extra content" in...

PC's personality integrated with the story - 85 votes for 42 games; created March 27, 2012
A poll by JasonMel
I would like to be able to recommend to someone many examples of interactive fiction in which the player character is far from a cipher...

Child friendly but not too child friendly - 13 votes for 6 games; created September 30, 2011
A poll by Zzoro26
I want something without "adult themes" and reasonless violence but kinda goofy and a tad violent

Wandering NPCs - 64 votes for 38 games; created January 7, 2011
A poll by Fredrik
I have always been fascinated with games that have several wandering and independent NPCs, especially when you have the ability to try to...

Solved without Hints - 212 votes for 114 games; created July 16, 2010
A poll by joncgoodwin
I'm very interested in hearing truthful accounts of at least somewhat difficult games (or games that don't solve themselves at least)...

AI developments, particularly NPC-AI - 30 votes for 17 games; created October 10, 2008
A poll by breslin
Doesn't need to be satisfying as a conventional game, but must be interesting as an experiment. The idea being that AI work in IF is...

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