Polls with votes for The Owl Consults

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Best parser games since 2017 - 107 votes for 44 games; created November 9, 2020
A poll by Rovarsson
When browsing for good recent games, I'm overwhelmed by the amount of Twine and Choice games. Add to that a great number of games with...

For your consideration: XYZZY-eligible Implementation of 2017 - 14 votes for 13 games; created March 18, 2018
A poll by MathBrush
This is for suggesting games released in 2017 which you think might be worth considering for Best Implementation in the XYZZY awards....

For your consideration: XYZZY-eligible Puzzles of 2017 - 9 votes for 9 games; created March 18, 2018
A poll by MathBrush
This is for suggesting games released in 2017 which you think might be worth considering for Best Overall Puzzles in the XYZZY awards....

For your consideration: XYZZY-eligible individual PCs of 2017 - 9 votes for 9 games; created March 18, 2018
A poll by MathBrush
This is for suggesting games released in 2017 which you think might be worth considering for Best Individual PC in the XYZZY awards. This...

Up, Up, and Away: IF starring super heroes - 23 votes for 14 games; created October 11, 2012
A poll by Molly
It's often been said that super-heroes are a poor fit for IF, given the reliance of the former on flashy, colorful costumes and fights....

Must-play games - 313 votes for 60 games; created March 26, 2009
A poll by Jeff Sonas
I am looking for the games that, in your opinion, you simply must have played in order to really call yourself an IF aficionado. Or if...

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