Recommended Lists mentioning The Witness
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 >> | NextMurder Mysteries - 14 items
March 30, 2024A list by
Walter SandsquishText-adventure games ask players to solve puzzles, so asking them to also solve a murder mystery is quite common. Figure out who-done-it...
Infocom Salvaged Adventures - 33 items
April 21, 2019A list by
TristanoList of the Infocom adventures that were recovered from the salvaged Infocom hard drive, and their source code was published on GitHub in... Detective and mystery games - 52 items
January 26, 2016A list by
MathBrushThese are games where you play a detective or someone else investigating a mystery. Most of them are realistic games which I am splitting...
The Canonical Infocom Games - 36 items
April 1, 2012A list by
wfaulkThis is a list of the canonical Infocom games in order of release, as according to the Infocom Fact Sheet. Previous | << 1 >> | Next