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Nontraditional Parser, Gamebook, IF and Systems - 23 items   November 7, 2024
A list by thecanvasrose
This list is based on a poll you can add votes to. I will update the list from time to time to reflect what's on the poll as I play the...

Viv’s top 10 favourite IF games - 10 items   November 12, 2022
A list by Vivienne Dunstan
This is a list of my top 10 favourite IF games, in chronological order of release. There are many other games that I think are fantastic,...

Great games in a mostly realistic setting - 54 items   July 28, 2020
A list by MathBrush
These are games that for the most part don't contain magical elements or futuristic technology. This includes games where there might be...

Most unusual games - 52 items   November 4, 2015
A list by MathBrush
These are games that are very different than most games on IFDB. Some games that are exceptional in execution (like Counterfeit Monkey)...

Surreal/trippy/metaphor/mind's journey, with two worlds - 37 items   October 29, 2015
A list by MathBrush
There is a big genre of games where you explore a metaphorical region of dreams or symbolism, and which has meaning in the 'real world'....

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