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by Andrew Williams

science fiction
Inform v 6.32

About the Story

A Blake 7 adventure.

You play as a group of rebels in the future who have discovered an alien ship, the Liberator.

Based off of the British TV series.

Page Update History

v.5: 26-Nov-2018 04:11 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed title, IFIDs, description, genre
v.4: 19-Jun-2020 12:03 - Autymn Castleton
Changed language
v.3: 09-Sep-2019 15:08 - Nathan
Changed development system
v.2: 26-Nov-2018 04:20 - vukassin
Changed download links
  v.1: 26-Nov-2018 04:11 - vukassin
Created page

Game Details

Language: English
Current Version: Unknown
License: Former commercial
Development System: Inform v 6.32
TUID: x19ufalile0zgvl