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by Steve24833


About the Story

While the Great War rages on, there is a resurgence of the Irish Independence movement, as the Irish people rise up to take advantage of the times to claim their freedom. You'll be taking the role of Michael McCarthy, a young man in such a troubled and turmoil-filled time. Take part in the 1916 Rising, the War of Independence and the Treaty War as brother is pitted against brother, friend against friend and father against son, as a country at war with itself is torn apart.

Well, seeing as it's been 102 years since the 1916 Easter Rising, I'd say an Edutainment game is appropriate to tell the story of the Irish struggle for independence. For the purposes of narrative and to allow choice, your character is a fictional one and at certain points will replace roles done by other men in real life to facilitate the narrative and to allow for choice and interaction, so that you'll be able to see and play a role in key events throughout the period. Enjoy!

Page Update History

v.3: 22-Dec-2020 18:31 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed development system
  v.2: 22-Dec-2020 18:31 - Mizal
Changed publication date, description
v.1: 22-Dec-2020 17:33 - Mizal
Created page

Game Details