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Mere Anarchy

by Bruno Dias profile

About the Story

“The box is cardboard, a file box; it looks like it should contain years of tax returns. Except the holes on the sides have been shut with black masking tape. Except the lid is held in place with the same tape. Except it feels warmer and lighter to the touch than a box full of paper should. Nothing rattles inside it.”

Mere Anarchy is an interactive story about magic, struggle, and choice.

Page Update History

v.6: 20-Mar-2024 00:22 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.5: 20-Mar-2024 00:17 - JTN
Changed Web site URL, download links
v.4: 09-Jun-2015 16:03 - Doug Orleans
Changed external review links
  v.3: 07-Jun-2015 13:35 - Emily Short
Changed external review links
v.2: 06-Apr-2015 15:42 - Bruno Dias
Changed cover art
v.1: 06-Apr-2015 15:41 - Bruno Dias
Created page

1 Off-Site Review

Emily Short's Interactive Storytelling

This is formally and structurally a very very different piece from Terminator Chaser, but thematically they�re both taking on a question of class struggle, and of how much a protagonist in a disadvantaged position can do against the murderous brutality of the overlords. With Terminator Chaser I also found myself asking for more backstory, though in that case I may have failed to find some of what was there by not using memory/thought verbs on the right topics. To be clear, there�s a lot more in Mere Anarchy; I just would have liked deeper development of certain portions.

In any case, this is an assured piece of work that handles a number of potentially tricky things � flashbacks and memory, protagonist interiority, highly changeable text � so deftly that one might not even be aware they were challenging. Well worth a play, even if I wish it had delved deeper in one area.
See the full review

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