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Diver Zero

by Malachi Versus profile


About the Story

Diver Zero is a short CYOA game created for one of my university assignments. It is inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bloodborne, and my own dreams.

Primarily set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is threatened with extinction by rising sea levels, you find yourself as a Diver, an esoteric explorer of memory in the hopes of finding a solution to mankind's fate.

Content warning: this work has themes of psychological and body horror, surrealism, existentialism, and motifs of pregnancy, childbirth, and dreams/nightmares.

[This is my first attempt at game development, so some things may be a little janky and it's still pending moderation. I hope to revisit it sometime to expand on the universe and add different Dives and endings, but for now, it is constrained by the assignment requirements. Thank you for checking it out!]

Page Update History

v.8: 01-Oct-2024 11:03 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.7: 01-Oct-2024 11:02 - IF Archive Team
Changed download links
  v.6: 01-Oct-2024 06:25 - houseofversus
Changed version number
v.5: 01-Oct-2024 06:24 - houseofversus
Changed download links
v.4: 30-Sep-2024 10:32 - JTN
Changed IFIDs, author, download links
v.3: 30-Sep-2024 10:29 - IF Archive Team
Changed download links
v.2: 30-Sep-2024 06:34 - houseofversus
Changed description
v.1: 30-Sep-2024 06:30 - houseofversus
Created page

Game Details