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Flight of the Code Monkeys

by Mark C. Marino

About the Story

You have one job: Correct the errors in the System code. It's menial work, but it pays the bills. Only, maybe you'd rather not... What are you? Just a CodeMonkey? Perhaps you could join the Resistance, or at least get an early vacation with a special friend... Warning: No parsers, no links. In this story, you'll be monkeying with the code!

Page Update History

v.8: 03-Oct-2024 19:53 - EJ (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed genre
v.7: 08-Apr-2024 01:07 - JTN
Changed author
v.6: 05-Jul-2020 01:44 - dgtziea
Changed download links
v.5: 05-Jul-2020 01:36 - dgtziea
Changed download links
v.4: 05-Jul-2020 01:28 - dgtziea
Changed Web site URL, download links
v.3: 19-Jun-2020 11:54 - Autymn Castleton
Changed language
v.2: 09-May-2020 15:14 - Victor Gijsbers
Changed external review links
  v.1: 01-Oct-2019 16:23 - MathBrush
Created page

Game Details