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The Heist


About the Story

Your life hasn't been that great. Your father left your family when you were young and your mother has been forcing you to get straight A's. Today you have only $10 left. You decide to see Anyways, you make it through the movie. As you leave, you say to yourself, "I could rob a casino easily!" And here your story begins...

Page Update History

v.4: 04-May-2021 23:44 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed license type, description
v.3: 24-Jan-2013 12:30 - textadventures.co.uk robot
Changed description
  v.2: 24-Jan-2013 12:05 - textadventures.co.uk robot
Changed Web site URL, download links
v.1: 23-Jan-2013 15:51 - textadventures.co.uk robot
Created page

Game Details